Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Day at the River

So dad and I had a little date for an early Fathers Day. We brought Snickers to the river! It was super fun. Snickers loved it and dad kept saying.
"He's a river dog! Who would have thought he would be a river dog?" This, my readers, is because Snickers wouldn't go into the water if he could help it until he was about five years old. I even remember Aubrey trying to lift him and carry him out into the water, but he was too scared to even do that! Anyway...that was a bit off subject.... :D :D

Dad and I found this nice little spot and started throwing Snix some sticks. Here's some pictures of my cute little....okay so he is not little..... doggie! Wait, this first one is of me!

*Musical Interlude while I upload photos of Snickers*

Viola! Viola! (Okay so I always say that but I have no clue what it means.....Heh.)

I had a fun day!
PS. FYI and BTW the people I were supposed to be babysitting--see last post---didn't even show up!


Lacey said...

I love Snickers! and you! and dad! and the Bitterroot!!

AubsandKenny said...

too bad his friend Harley wasn't with him! Looks like a fun date!!