Friday, June 25, 2010

A *Gulp* Hair Cut I got my hair cut today. I'm not going to say it has a bad result but considering the differences.....

Here is my hair before--

And I have my little after cut which is what I have right now. But, but,'s so short and...okay I don't have a picture of it yet because it was cut not ten minutes ago. After kicking Jace and dad out the door to go unicycling I came on here to fret to my sisters and whoever may read this blog. Anyway by now you are probably dying to see a picture. Well you have to wait a little bit. Because my hair is drying from when I washed it and then I'm going to straighten it. THEN I will take a picture and put on here.
Oh and did I mention that dad cut my hair? He did awesome, but I was flinching the whole time. Dad didn't exactly go to beauty school....heh heh.

  1. I have turned on the straightener.
  2. And After----

Viola! What do you think?


Sheri said...

Gorgeous :)

Lori said...

You are so beautiful!

AubsandKenny said...

cute, love it!!!!! :D

Lacey said...

HOT MAMA!!! *whistling* daaaaaang girl. you fine.